German Topic

FAQ - Prepositional Verbs

Frequently asked questions: Prepositional Verbs in German.


What are prepositional verbs in German?

In the realm of German grammar, certain verbs form inherent bonds with specific prepositions, creating phrases with unique meanings. These verb-preposition combinations, known in German as "Präpositionalverben" or "Verben mit festen Präpositionen," are pillars for accurate communication. The preposition is a fixed part of these expressions and cannot be altered without changing the sentence's meaning or causing confusion.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which word correctly indicates the thing being searched for?

For example - "Er macht sich auf die Suche nach Bienen."

'Nach' is a preposition in German and in this context, it is used to express the thing being searched for, translating to 'for' in English. Other prepositions like 'im' (in), 'bei' (at) or 'von' (from) would not convey the correct meaning in this specific context.

Which word best fits the sentence to mean 'onto'?

For example - "Sie legen das Buch auf den Tisch."

In this context, 'auf' is a German preposition that translates to 'on' or 'onto' in English. It is used to describe the position of something in relation to a surface or a place. 'Auf' is the only option that fits the sentence's context and works grammatically. Other options ('an', 'aus', und 'ein') don't fit the context or are grammatically incorrect.

Which Preposition Pairs with "Sprechen"?

For example - "Er spricht mit seinem Vater"

The correct preposition to use with "sprechen" to convey the meaning of "to speak with" is "mit", making the expression "sprechen mit". The sentence "Er spricht mit seinem Vater" means "He is speaking with his father". The other prepositions are not suitable to express the act of speaking with someone.

Which Preposition Pairs with "Kaufen"?

For example - "Ich kaufe ein Geschenk für meine Freundin"

The correct preposition to use with "kaufen" to convey the meaning of "to buy for" is "für", making the expression "kaufen für". The sentence "Ich kaufe ein Geschenk für meine Freundin" means "I am buying a gift for my girlfriend." The other prepositions cannot be used to express the act of buying something for someone. Remember: In German, prepositions can change the case of the noun that follows them. In the case of "kaufen für", the preposition "für" requires the noun to be in the accusative case.

Which Preposition Pairs with "Treffen"?

For example - "Sie trifft sich mit ihren Freunden"

The correct preposition to use with "treffen" to convey the meaning of "to meet with" is "mit", making the expression "treffen mit". The sentence "Sie trifft sich mit ihren Freunden" means "She is meeting with her friends". The other prepositions are not suitable to express the act of meeting with someone.

Which preposition pairs with "lernen"?

For example - "Er hat aus seinen Fehlern gelernt"

The correct preposition to use with "lernen" to convey the meaning of "to learn from" is "aus", making the expression "lernen aus". The sentence "Er hat aus seinen Fehlern gelernt" means "He learned from his mistakes".

Which preposition pairs with "träumen"?

For example - "Sie träumt jede Nacht von ihrem Urlaub"

The correct preposition to use with "träumen" to convey the meaning of "to dream of" is "von", making the expression "träumen von". The sentence "Sie träumt jede Nacht von ihrem Urlaub" means "She dreams about her holiday every night".

What preposition pairs with 'hoffen'?

For example - "Er hofft auf einen Sieg"

The correct preposition to use with 'hoffen' to convey the meaning of 'to hope for' is 'auf', forming the phrase 'hoffen auf'. The sentence 'Er hofft auf einen Sieg' translates to 'He hopes for a victory.' The other prepositions cannot be used to express the concept of hoping for something. Fun Fact: 'Hoffen auf' requires the accusative case.

Which preposition pairs with "suchen" to mean "to search for"?

For example - "Ich suche nach meinen Schlüsseln"

The correct preposition to use with "suchen" to convey the meaning of "to search for" is "nach", creating the expression "suchen nach". So, the sentence "Ich suche nach meinem Schlüsseln" means "I am searching for my keys". The other prepositions cannot be used to express the act of searching for someone or something. Fun Fact: 'Suchen nach' requires the dative case.

What preposition pairs with 'sprechen' to mean 'to talk about'?

For example - "Sie spricht immer von ihrem Bruder"

The correct preposition to use with 'sprechen' to convey the meaning of 'to talk about' is 'von'. The phrase formed is 'sprechen von'. The sentence 'Sie spricht immer von ihrem Bruder' translates to 'She always talks about her brother.' The other prepositions cannot be used to express the concept of talking about something. Note that 'sprechen von' requires the dative case.

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