'Ausflug' Definition

What is the meaning of the German word 'Ausflug'?

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The word 'Ausflug' is a German word that can mean 'Excursion' in English. You can find example sentences below to help you understand how to use the word in context.

Definition of 'Ausflug' in English

Der Ausflug - The excursion

noun , masculine

The noun 'Ausflug' means 'excursion' in German. It is commonly used to describe a trip or outing for leisure or educational purposes.

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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the possessive pronoun 'mein' in the dative case.

Ich schreibe meinem Onkel einen Brief

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The dative case form of the possessive pronoun 'mein' (my) when used with a masculine noun is 'meinem'. The definitive masculine noun 'Onkel' changes the possessive pronoun 'mein' to 'meinem' in the dative case to reflect its role as the recipient of the action in the sentence 'Ich schreibe meinem Onkel einen Brief', translating to 'I write a letter to my uncle' in English.
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Which form of the noun 'Geist' best completes the sentence?

Ich bin nicht sicher, ob das ein Geist ist.

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'Geist' in this context is a German noun that translates to 'ghost' or 'spirit' in English. The other options, like 'Geistes' (genitive singular), 'Geiste' (dative singular), or 'Geisten' (dative plural), do not fit the grammatical structure of the sentence.
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Which is the correct form of the adjective 'geheimnisvoll' in the dative masculine case?

Er lebt in einem kleinen Dorf neben einem großen, geheimnisvollen Wald.

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'Geheimnisvollen' is the correct adjective declination in this case. It is used in the masculine dative singular form of the adjective 'geheimnisvoll', which translates to 'mysterious' in English. The adjective is modified to express the gender, number, and case of the noun it is describing, in this case, 'Wald' (forest). Using other form are incorrect in this context.
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Which auxiliary verb correctly completes the sentence to fit the context given?

Die Kinder haben im Park gespielt.

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In the case of 'spielen' which is an action verb, we typically use 'haben' as an auxiliary verb when forming the past tense. Thus, 'Die Kinder haben im Park gespielt' (The children played in the park) is the correct sentence. 'Sein' is usually used with verbs that depict movement or state change, which is not the case with 'spielen'. Understanding the appropriate usage of 'haben' and 'sein' forms a fundamental part mastering past tense in the German language.
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Which word correctly indicates multiple entities?

Im Theater sehen sie einige seltsame Kreaturen auf der Bühne.

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'Kreaturen' is the correct plural form of the noun 'Kreatur', which means 'creature' in English. In the context of the sentence, the plural is needed to refer to multiple strange entities on the stage. The other options are incorrect; 'Kreatur' is singular and doesn't match the context of indicating multiple entities. 'Kreatüre' and 'Kreature' are simply not correct forms of the noun in German.
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Conjugate the modal verb "sollen" to fit the sentence

Du sollst deine Hausaufgaben machen.

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The correct form for 'sollen' in the second person singular is 'sollst'. The full sentence translates to "You should do your homework".
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Which word correctly depicts the action of stealing in the past?

Deine Sachen wurden gestern vom Zimmer gestohlen.

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'Gestohlen' is the past participle of the German verb 'stehlen', which means 'to steal' in English. The past participle is used in this sentence to depict an action that has been done in the past - here, the stealing of the things. The other options are not recognized words in the German language or are the incorrect form of the verb 'stehlen'.
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Which word is correctly declined in the nominative singular case?

Der Wald ist grün und voller Leben.

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In this specific context, 'Wald' is the correct noun as it is in nominative singular form. This case is used for the subject of a sentence. In this context, it means 'forest'. The other options 'Wälder' (plural), 'Walde' (singular in dated dative form), or 'Waldes' (genitive) do not fit into the sentence properly.
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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the personal pronoun 'mein' in the genitive case.

Der Hund meines Nachbarn ist sehr freundlich

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The genitive case form of the possessive pronoun 'mein' (my) corresponding to a masculine or neuter noun is 'meines'. In the sentence 'Der Hund meines Nachbarn ist sehr freundlich', 'meines' is used to show possession, indicating that the neighbor is the owner of the dog. 'Mein' changes to 'meines' in the genitive case to express this possession.
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Which coordinating conjunction fits best in this sentence?

Ich möchte Milch kaufen, denn ich habe keine zu Hause.

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The coordinating conjunction 'denn' is used to provide a reason or explanation for the action or state described in the main clause. In this case, the desire to buy milk is explained by the fact that there is no milk at home. Note - 'weil' can also fill this role, but doesn't fit in this sentence grammatically as the verb would need to move to the end.
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