'Hinweg' Definition
What is the meaning of the German word 'Hinweg'?
The word 'Hinweg' is a German word that can mean 'Past' in English. You can find example sentences below to help you understand how to use the word in context.
Definition of 'Hinweg' in English
Hinweg - Past
adverbRelated Words
HineinGerman Challenges
Which coordinating conjunction fits best in this sentence?
Es regnet, aber wir werden trotzdem spazieren gehen
Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb 'achten' to mean 'to pay attention to'?
Wir achten auf die Details
Which word best completes the sentence to mean 'capture' or 'record'?
Ich hoffe, einige wunderschöne Landschaftsbilder aufnehmen zu können.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the definite article 'die' in the dative case for a plural noun.
Das Buch gehört den Kindern
Which auxiliary verb correctly completes the sentence to fit the context given?
Das Kind hat das ganze Eis aufgegessen.
Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb 'sprechen' to mean 'to talk about'?
Sie spricht immer von ihrem Bruder
Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "denken" to mean "to think of"?
Ich denke an dich.
Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "liegen" in this sentence?
Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch
Conjugate the modal verb "müssen" to fit the sentence
Wir müssen früh aufstehen.
What is the correct form of the definite article "the" in the genitive case for the masculine noun "Vater" (father)?
Das ist das Auto des Vaters.