'Nervös' Definition

What is the meaning of the German word 'Nervös'?

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The word 'Nervös' is a German word that can mean 'Nervous' in English. You can find example sentences below to help you understand how to use the word in context.

Definition of 'Nervös' in English

Nervös - Nervous


The adjective 'nervös' means 'nervous' in German. It is used to describe a feeling of anxiety, worry, or unease.

💡 Silly memory trick! 'Nervös' sounds like 'nerve us.' This association can help you remember that it describes feeling anxious or uneasy.

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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the personal pronoun 'er' in the dative case.

Ich helfe ihm immer, wenn er Hilfe braucht.

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The dative case form of the personal pronoun 'er' (he) is 'ihm'. In the sentence, 'ihm' is used as the indirect object, receiving the action of the verb. 'Er' changes to 'ihm' in the dative case to reflect its role as the recipient of the action in the sentence.
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Which auxiliary verb correctly completes the sentence to fit the context given?

Die Kinder haben im Park gespielt.

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In the case of 'spielen' which is an action verb, we typically use 'haben' as an auxiliary verb when forming the past tense. Thus, 'Die Kinder haben im Park gespielt' (The children played in the park) is the correct sentence. 'Sein' is usually used with verbs that depict movement or state change, which is not the case with 'spielen'. Understanding the appropriate usage of 'haben' and 'sein' forms a fundamental part mastering past tense in the German language.
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Conjugate the modal verb "dürfen" to fit the sentence below.

Ihr dürft nicht rauchen.

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The correct form for 'dürfen' in the third person plural for a negative statement is 'dürfen'. The full translation is "You (plural) may not smoke".
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "kämpfen" to mean "to fight for"?

Er kämpft um seine Rechte.

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The correct preposition to use with "kämpfen" to convey the meaning of "to fight for" is "um", making the expression "kämpfen um". The sentence "Er kämpft um seine Rechte" means "He is fighting for his rights." The other prepositions are not suitable to express the act of fighting for something. An alternative that also works is "für" - "Er kämpft für seine Rechte".
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Which auxiliary verb correctly completes the sentence to fit the context given?

Er hat einen Brief geschrieben.

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For the verb 'schreiben' (to write), 'haben' is the correct auxiliary verb in the past tense, not 'sein'. So the correct sentence is 'Er hat einen Brief geschrieben' which means 'He has written a letter'. When you use 'schreiben', it is about an action that has been done, in this case, writing a letter, thus 'haben' is used. Understanding this distinction is crucial in conveying the intended action in the German language.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "gehen" to mean "to go to"?

Ich gehe morgen zum Arzt

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The correct preposition to use with "gehen" to convey the meaning of "to go to" is "zu", forming the phrase "gehen zu". This means the sentence "Ich gehe morgen zum Arzt" translates to "I am going to the doctor tomorrow". Note that 'zu' changes to 'zum' as a shorthand for 'zu dem'.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "kaufen" to mean "to buy for"?

Ich kaufe ein Geschenk für meine Freundin

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The correct preposition to use with "kaufen" to convey the meaning of "to buy for" is "für", making the expression "kaufen für". The sentence "Ich kaufe ein Geschenk für meine Freundin" means "I am buying a gift for my girlfriend." The other prepositions cannot be used to express the act of buying something for someone. Remember: In German, prepositions can change the case of the noun that follows them. In the case of "kaufen für", the preposition "für" requires the noun to be in the accusative case.
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What is the correct form of the definite article "the" in the dative case for a Feminine noun.

Ich helfe der Frau

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In German, the dative case form of the feminine article "die" is "der." For example, in the sentence "Ich helfe der Frau," which translates to "I help the woman" in English, the word "Frau" (woman) is in the dative case as the indirect object of the verb "helfen" (to help), so the article changes from "die" to "der."
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb 'hoffen' to mean 'to hope for'?

Er hofft auf einen Sieg

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The correct preposition to use with 'hoffen' to convey the meaning of 'to hope for' is 'auf', forming the phrase 'hoffen auf'. The sentence 'Er hofft auf einen Sieg' translates to 'He hopes for a victory.' The other prepositions cannot be used to express the concept of hoping for something. Fun Fact: 'Hoffen auf' requires the accusative case.
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What is the correct form of the definite article "the" in the genitive case for the feminine noun "Nachbarin" (Neighbor)?

Die Katze der Nachbarin ist sehr süß.

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The correct definite article for feminine nouns in the genitive case is "der". So, the sentence should be "Die Katze der Nachbarin ist sehr süß", which translates to "The neighbor's cat is very cute" in English. Note that "die Nachbarin" is the feminine form of the noun "der Nachbar", which is why we use the feminine definite article. This becomes "der Nachbarin" in the genitive case.
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