'Geräusch' Definition

What is the meaning of the German word 'Geräusch'?

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The word 'Geräusch' is a German word that can mean 'Noise' in English. You can find example sentences below to help you understand how to use the word in context.

Definition of 'Geräusch' in English

Das Geräusch - The noise

noun , neuter

The noun 'Geräusch' translates to 'noise' in English. It is used to describe sounds or noises.

Example Sentences:

  • Er hört ein Geräusch im Inneren der Villa. - He hears a noise inside the villa.

German Challenges


Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "gehen" to mean "to go to"?

Ich gehe morgen zum Arzt

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The correct preposition to use with "gehen" to convey the meaning of "to go to" is "zu", forming the phrase "gehen zu". This means the sentence "Ich gehe morgen zum Arzt" translates to "I am going to the doctor tomorrow". Note that 'zu' changes to 'zum' as a shorthand for 'zu dem'.
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Which auxiliary verb correctly completes the sentence to fit the context given?

Meine Schwester ist zum Supermarkt gegangen.

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'Gehen' indicates movement, so 'sein' is often used as the auxiliary verb in its past tense. Therefore, 'Meine Schwester ist zum Supermarkt gegangen' ('My sister went to the supermarket') is the appropriate sentence. While 'haben' is used with most past tense verbs in German, 'sein' is used with certain intransitive verbs that indicate a change of location or state, like 'gehen'. It's these nuances that can help make your German more fluent and accurate.
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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the possessive pronoun 'mein' in the dative case.

Ich schreibe meinem Onkel einen Brief

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The dative case form of the possessive pronoun 'mein' (my) when used with a masculine noun is 'meinem'. The definitive masculine noun 'Onkel' changes the possessive pronoun 'mein' to 'meinem' in the dative case to reflect its role as the recipient of the action in the sentence 'Ich schreibe meinem Onkel einen Brief', translating to 'I write a letter to my uncle' in English.
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Which word correctly depicts the action of stealing in the past?

Deine Sachen wurden gestern vom Zimmer gestohlen.

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'Gestohlen' is the past participle of the German verb 'stehlen', which means 'to steal' in English. The past participle is used in this sentence to depict an action that has been done in the past - here, the stealing of the things. The other options are not recognized words in the German language or are the incorrect form of the verb 'stehlen'.
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Fill in the blank with the correct form of the definite article "the" in the accusative case for a Masculine noun.

Ich entdecke den Brief unter einem Stapel alter Bücher.

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The word "Brief" is a masculine noun in German. In German grammar, "Brief" is "der Brief" in the nominative case. However, when a masculine noun is used in the accusative case, the definite article changes from "der" to "den." Therefore, in the sentence "Ich entdecke den Brief unter einem Stapel alter Bücher," which translates to "I discover the letter under a pile of old books" in English, "den Brief" correctly uses the accusative case for the masculine noun "Brief."
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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the definite article "the" in the accusative case for a Masculine noun.

Ich esse den Apfel.

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In the given sentence, "Ich esse den Apfel," the word "Apfel" is a masculine noun. In German, "Apfel" is "der Apfel" in the nominative case. In the accusative case, for masculine nouns, the definite article changes from "der" to "den." Therefore, the correct sentence is "Ich esse den Apfel," which translates to "I eat the apple" in English. Remember that the nominative masculine definite article "der" changes to "den" in the accusative. This is crucial for constructing correct sentences in German. Keep practicing to familiarize yourself with these changes.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb 'hoffen' to mean 'to hope for'?

Er hofft auf einen Sieg

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The correct preposition to use with 'hoffen' to convey the meaning of 'to hope for' is 'auf', forming the phrase 'hoffen auf'. The sentence 'Er hofft auf einen Sieg' translates to 'He hopes for a victory.' The other prepositions cannot be used to express the concept of hoping for something. Fun Fact: 'Hoffen auf' requires the accusative case.
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What is the correct form of the definite article "the" in the genitive case for the masculine noun "Lehrer" (teacher)?

Das ist das Buch des Lehrers.

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The correct definite article for masculine nouns in the genitive case is "des." Therefore, the sentence should be "Das ist das Buch des Lehrers," which translates to "That is the teacher's book" in English.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "kommt" in this sentence?

Mein Freund kommt aus den USA

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The correct preposition to use with "kommt" is "aus" when indicating a geographical origin. Thus, "Mein Freund kommt aus den USA" translates to "My friend comes from the U.S."
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Conjugate the modal verb "müssen" to fit the sentence below

Sie müssen das Buch lesen, es ist unglaublich.

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The correct form for 'müssen' in the third person formal or plural is 'müssen'. For the sentence "Sie müssen das Buch lesen, es ist unglaublich.", the full translation is "You have to (must) read the book, it is incredible"
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