'Hütte' Definition

What is the meaning of the German word 'Hütte'?

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The word 'Hütte' is a German word that can mean 'Cabin' in English. You can find example sentences below to help you understand how to use the word in context.

Definition of 'Hütte' in English

Die Hütte - The cabin

noun , feminine

The noun 'Hütte' translates to 'cabin' in English. It is used to refer to a small, simple, usually wooden house or shelter, often located in a rural or remote area.

Example Sentences:

💡 Silly memory trick! To remember 'Hütte,' think of the phrase 'cute cabin.' The similarity in sounds can help you associate the word with a cozy, cute cabin.

German Challenges


Which word best fits the sentence to mean 'onto'?

Sie legen das Buch auf den Tisch.

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In this context, 'auf' is a German preposition that translates to 'on' or 'onto' in English. It is used to describe the position of something in relation to a surface or a place. 'Auf' is the only option that fits the sentence's context and works grammatically. Other options ('an', 'aus', und 'ein') don't fit the context or are grammatically incorrect.
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Conjugate the modal verb "müssen" to fit the sentence below

Sie müssen das Buch lesen, es ist unglaublich.

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The correct form for 'müssen' in the third person formal or plural is 'müssen'. For the sentence "Sie müssen das Buch lesen, es ist unglaublich.", the full translation is "You have to (must) read the book, it is incredible"
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Conjugate the modal verb "müssen" to fit the sentence

Wir müssen früh aufstehen.

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The correct form for 'müssen' in the first person plural is 'müssen'. The full translation is "We have to (must) wake up early".
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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the indefinite article "a/an" in the dative case for a neuter noun.

Ich gebe einem Kind ein Spielzeug.

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The sentence indicates the indirect object in the dative case. We are giving a toy to a child. The correct form of the indefinite article for neuter nouns in the dative case is "einem." Therefore, the sentence should be "Ich gebe einem Kind ein Spielzeug," which means "I give a toy to a child" in English.
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Which form of the verb 'fühlen' correctly completes the sentence?

Ich gehe heute nicht zur Arbeit, weil ich mich nicht gut fühle.

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'Fühle' is the correct first-person singular form of the verb 'fühlen', which translates to 'feel' in English. In the context of this sentence, 'fühle' is used to express how the speaker is feeling physically. The other options are other forms of 'fühlen', but they are not correct in this context. 'Fühlt' is third-person singular, 'gefühlt' is the past participle used for perfect tense, and 'fühlte' is simple past tense.
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Which verb completes the sentence to mean 'wear'?

Sie trägt immer schöne Kleider.

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In the context of the sentence, the word 'trägt' is a German verb that means 'wears' in English. The subject 'sie' (she) and the context of clothes makes 'trägt' the only suitable choice among the given options since all the other options are not connected with the context.
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Which word best completes the sentence to mean 'cabin'?

Im Wald gab es eine kleine Hütte, in der ein alter Mann lebte.

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In this sentence, 'Hütte' is the correct term to use in German to denote a 'cabin', 'hut', or 'cottage'. 'Hütt' doesn't exist in German, 'Hütten' would be the correct plural form, and 'Hüte' translates to 'hats', which doesn't make sense in this context.
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Conjugate the modal verb "mögen" to fit the sentence below

Er mag Wienerschitzel, es ist sein Lieblingsessen.

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The correct form for 'mögen' in the third person singular is 'mag'. For the sentence "Er mag Wienerschitzel, es ist sein Lieblingsessen.", the full translation is "He likes Wienerschitzel, it's his favourite food."
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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the possessive pronoun 'mein' in the dative case.

Ich schreibe meinem Onkel einen Brief

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The dative case form of the possessive pronoun 'mein' (my) when used with a masculine noun is 'meinem'. The definitive masculine noun 'Onkel' changes the possessive pronoun 'mein' to 'meinem' in the dative case to reflect its role as the recipient of the action in the sentence 'Ich schreibe meinem Onkel einen Brief', translating to 'I write a letter to my uncle' in English.
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Which auxiliary verb correctly completes the sentence to fit the context given?

Die Kinder haben im Park gespielt.

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In the case of 'spielen' which is an action verb, we typically use 'haben' as an auxiliary verb when forming the past tense. Thus, 'Die Kinder haben im Park gespielt' (The children played in the park) is the correct sentence. 'Sein' is usually used with verbs that depict movement or state change, which is not the case with 'spielen'. Understanding the appropriate usage of 'haben' and 'sein' forms a fundamental part mastering past tense in the German language.
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