'Suche' Definition
What is the meaning of the German word 'Suche'?
The word 'Suche' is a German word that can mean 'Search' in English. You can find example sentences below to help you understand how to use the word in context.
German Challenges
What is the correct form of the definite article "the" in the genitive case for the masculine noun "Baum" (tree)?
Die Blätter des Baumes sind grün.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the personal pronoun 'ich' in the dative case.
Die Mutter kauft mir ein Geschenk
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the personal pronoun 'du' in the dative case.
Ich habe dir bereits die Einladung gegeben
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the definite article "the" in the accusative case for a Neuter noun.
Kannst du das Buch sehen?
Conjugate the modal verb "dürfen" to fit the sentence below.
Ihr dürft nicht rauchen.
What is the correct form of the definite article "the" in the genitive case for the neuter noun "Haus" (house)?
Die Farbe des Hauses ist rot.
Which word correctly indicates multiple entities?
Im Theater sehen sie einige seltsame Kreaturen auf der Bühne.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the definite article "the" in the accusative case for a Masculine noun.
Ich esse den Apfel.
Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "träumen" to mean "to dream of"?
Sie träumt jede Nacht von ihrem Urlaub
Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "sich freuen" to mean "to be happy about"?
Ich freue mich über mein Geburtstagsgeschenk