'Glücklich' Definition

What is the meaning of the German word 'Glücklich'?

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The word 'Glücklich' is a German word that can mean 'Happy' in English. You can find example sentences below to help you understand how to use the word in context.

Definition of 'Glücklich' in English

Glücklich - Happy


The adjective 'glücklich' means 'happy' in German. It is commonly used to describe a state of happiness or contentment.

Example Sentences:

💡 Silly memory trick! 'Glücklich' sounds like 'lucky.' Remember that being happy is like feeling lucky!

German Challenges


Which word correctly identifies the subject of the sentence?

Er öffnet das Buch und beginnt die komplizierten Texte zu lesen.

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In this context, 'Er' is a personal pronoun used in the nominative case, indicating the subject of the sentence, translated as 'He' in English. The pronoun 'Er' is essential here as it refers to a specific male subject who is performing the action. All the other options are personal pronouns as well but in different forms such as 'Ihr' (You - formal), 'Du' (You - informal) and 'Es' (It), and would not fit in this sentence gramatically.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "lernen" to mean "to learn from"?

Er hat aus seinen Fehlern gelernt

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The correct preposition to use with "lernen" to convey the meaning of "to learn from" is "aus", making the expression "lernen aus". The sentence "Er hat aus seinen Fehlern gelernt" means "He learned from his mistakes".
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "sprechen" to mean "to speak with"?

Er spricht mit seinem Vater

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The correct preposition to use with "sprechen" to convey the meaning of "to speak with" is "mit", making the expression "sprechen mit". The sentence "Er spricht mit seinem Vater" means "He is speaking with his father". The other prepositions are not suitable to express the act of speaking with someone.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "liegen" in this sentence?

Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch

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The correct preposition to use with "liegen" is "auf", making the expression "liegen auf". The sentence "Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch" means "The book is on the table". Did you know? Prepositions in German can change the case of the noun that follows them. In the case of "liegen auf", the preposition "auf" requires the noun to be in the dative case.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "fahren" to mean "to drive through"?

Er fährt durch die Stadt.

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The correct preposition to use with "fahren" to convey the meaning of 'to drive through' is 'durch'. Therefore, the sentence 'Er fährt durch die Stadt' translates to 'He drives through the city'. The use of 'durch' is required to convey the action of moving through a location in German.
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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the definite article "the" in the accusative case for a Feminine noun.

Ich lese die Zeitung.

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In German, the accusative case form of "die" remains "die" when used with feminine nouns. For example, in the sentence "Ich lese die Zeitung" (I read the newspaper), "Zeitung" is a feminine noun and "die" is used as the article in both the nominative and accusative cases. This consistency applies to all feminine nouns in German, where the article "die" does not change in the accusative case. Remembering that neuter and feminine articles do not change in the accusative case can be very helpful. It means that every time you see "das" or "die" as an article for a single noun, it will remain the same in the accusative case. Keep practicing to understand these changes in the different cases!
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Conjugate the modal verb "können" to fit the sentence below

Können wir zusammen essen gehen?

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The correct form for 'können' in the first person plural for a suggestion is 'können'. The full translation is "Can we go to eat together?"
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Conjugate the modal verb "mögen" to fit the sentence

Du magst Schokoladeneis.

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In German, the verb "mögen" (to like) in the second person singular (informal) form is "magst." Therefore, the correct translation of "You like chocolate ice cream" into German is "Du magst Schokoladeneis."
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Which verb completes the sentence to mean 'wear'?

Sie trägt immer schöne Kleider.

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In the context of the sentence, the word 'trägt' is a German verb that means 'wears' in English. The subject 'sie' (she) and the context of clothes makes 'trägt' the only suitable choice among the given options since all the other options are not connected with the context.
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What is the correct form of the definite article "the" in the genitive case for a Neuter noun?

Wegen des Wetters bleiben wir zu Hause

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The phrase indicates possession, using the genitive case. The correct definite article for neuter nouns in the genitive case is "des." Hence, the sentence should be "Wegen des Wetters bleiben wir zu Hause," which means "Because of the weather, we are staying at home" in English.
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