'Großartig' Definition

What is the meaning of the German word 'Großartig'?

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The word 'Großartig' is a German word that can mean 'Magnificent' in English. You can find example sentences below to help you understand how to use the word in context.

Definition of 'Großartig' in English

Großartig - Magnificent


The adjective 'großartig' is used to describe something as 'magnificent' or 'great' in a positive way. It emphasizes the excellence or grandeur of the subject.

💡 Silly memory trick! To remember 'großartig,' think of it as 'gross' (big) and 'art.' When something is 'gross' in art, it can be big and magnificent.

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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the personal pronoun 'er' in the accusative case.

Siehst du ihn da drüben?

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The accusative form of the personal pronoun 'er' (he) is 'ihn'. In the sentence "Siehst du ihn da drüben?" 'ihn' is used as the direct object, being the person seen (the one affected by the action of the verb). Here, the verb 'sehen' (to see) requires a direct object to complete its sense. 'Er' changes to 'ihn' in the accusative case to reflect this role.
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Which auxiliary verb correctly completes the sentence to fit the context given?

Ich habe einen Kuchen gebacken.

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'Backen' is a transitive action verb, hence it requires 'haben' to form the perfect past tense. So, the correct sentence is 'Ich habe einen Kuchen gebacken', which means 'I baked a cake'. 'Sein' is typically used with intransitive verbs which involve a change in state or movement, which is not the case with 'backen'. Understanding the differential usage of 'haben' and 'sein' is crucial to forming accurate sentences in German.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb 'fahren' to mean 'to drive to'?

Er fährt zu seiner Arbeit

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The correct preposition to use with 'fahren' to convey the meaning of 'to drive to' is 'zu', forming the phrase 'fahren zu'. The sentence 'Er fährt zu seiner Arbeit' translates to 'He is driving to his work.' The other prepositions are not used to express the concept of driving to a place. Fun Fact: 'Fahren zu' requires the dative case, as it typically involves a direction or destination – the place being driven to.
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Fill in the blank with the correct form of the possessive pronoun 'mein' in the genitive case.

Das ist das Haus meiner Schwester.

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The genitive case form of the possessive pronoun 'mein' (my) corresponding to a feminine noun is 'meiner'. In the sentence, "Das ist das Haus meiner Schwester," the word 'meiner' is showcasing possession, translating to 'That is the house of my sister' in English.
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Which word best completes the sentence to mean 'cabin'?

Im Wald gab es eine kleine Hütte, in der ein alter Mann lebte.

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In this sentence, 'Hütte' is the correct term to use in German to denote a 'cabin', 'hut', or 'cottage'. 'Hütt' doesn't exist in German, 'Hütten' would be the correct plural form, and 'Hüte' translates to 'hats', which doesn't make sense in this context.
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Which word best completes the sentence to mean 'curious'?

Ich bin sehr neugierig auf das neue Buch.

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In this context, 'neugierig' is a German adjective that translates to 'curious' in English. It is used here in its basic form to describe a state or feeling, which does not change regardless of the subject's gender, number, or case. The other options 'neugieriges', 'neugierige', and 'neugiertig' do not fit grammatically in this sentence.
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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the indefinite article "a/an" in the dative case for a neuter noun.

Ich gebe einem Kind ein Spielzeug.

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The sentence indicates the indirect object in the dative case. We are giving a toy to a child. The correct form of the indefinite article for neuter nouns in the dative case is "einem." Therefore, the sentence should be "Ich gebe einem Kind ein Spielzeug," which means "I give a toy to a child" in English.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb 'sprechen' to mean 'to talk about'?

Sie spricht immer von ihrem Bruder

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The correct preposition to use with 'sprechen' to convey the meaning of 'to talk about' is 'von'. The phrase formed is 'sprechen von'. The sentence 'Sie spricht immer von ihrem Bruder' translates to 'She always talks about her brother.' The other prepositions cannot be used to express the concept of talking about something. Note that 'sprechen von' requires the dative case.
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Which word best fits the sentence to mean 'onto'?

Sie legen das Buch auf den Tisch.

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In this context, 'auf' is a German preposition that translates to 'on' or 'onto' in English. It is used to describe the position of something in relation to a surface or a place. 'Auf' is the only option that fits the sentence's context and works grammatically. Other options ('an', 'aus', und 'ein') don't fit the context or are grammatically incorrect.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "interessieren" to mean "to be interested in"?

Sie interessiert sich für Kunst.

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The correct preposition to use with "sich interessieren" to convey the meaning of "to be interested in" is "für", forming the phrase "sich interessieren für". The sentence "Sie interessiert sich für Kunst" translates to "She is interested in art." The other prepositions are not used to express the concept of being interested in something or someone.
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