'Heraus' Definition
What is the meaning of the German word 'Heraus'?
The word 'Heraus' is a German word that can mean various things in English, such as 'out' or 'is revealed'. Below are a few of the different meanings of the word 'Heraus', with examples sentences to help you understand how to use the word in context.
Definitions of 'Heraus' in English
Heraus - Out
adverbThe adverb 'heraus' is used to indicate movement or direction away from a place or inside. It can also be used to express a result or conclusion that becomes apparent or known.
Heraus - Out
adverbCommonly used in the expression "sich herausstellen" or "to turn out"
The adverb 'heraus' is commonly used in German to indicate that something has been revealed or turned out to be true. It is often used to express unexpected or surprising information.
đź’ˇ Silly memory trick! Think of 'heraus' as 'out' in English. It can help you remember that it signifies something coming to light or being revealed.
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