'Kurze' Definition

What is the meaning of the German word 'Kurze'?

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The word 'Kurze' is a German word that can mean 'Short' in English. You can find example sentences below to help you understand how to use the word in context.

Definition of 'Kurze' in English

Kurz - Short


The adjective 'kurze' is the feminine nominative singular form of 'kurz', which means 'short' in German. It is used to describe something that is not long in length or duration.

💡 Silly memory trick! To remember 'kurze,' think of it as 'curse.' If something is short, it is like a 'curse' because it is limited or restricted.

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Which adjective correctly describes the feminine noun in the nominative case?

Er fand eine alte, verfallene Hütte

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The adjective 'alte' is the correct word to use here because it is in the nominative case, feminine form. This adjective describes the noun 'Hütte', which is a feminine noun. 'Alt', the base form of the adjective, 'alten', the masculine or dative plural form, and 'altes', the neutral form, would all be incorrect in this context because they do not match the gender of the noun being described.
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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the possessive pronoun 'mein' in the dative case.

Ich schreibe meinem Onkel einen Brief

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The dative case form of the possessive pronoun 'mein' (my) when used with a masculine noun is 'meinem'. The definitive masculine noun 'Onkel' changes the possessive pronoun 'mein' to 'meinem' in the dative case to reflect its role as the recipient of the action in the sentence 'Ich schreibe meinem Onkel einen Brief', translating to 'I write a letter to my uncle' in English.
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Which word correctly identifies the subject of the sentence?

Er öffnet das Buch und beginnt die komplizierten Texte zu lesen.

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In this context, 'Er' is a personal pronoun used in the nominative case, indicating the subject of the sentence, translated as 'He' in English. The pronoun 'Er' is essential here as it refers to a specific male subject who is performing the action. All the other options are personal pronouns as well but in different forms such as 'Ihr' (You - formal), 'Du' (You - informal) and 'Es' (It), and would not fit in this sentence gramatically.
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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the definite article 'die' in the dative case for a plural noun.

Das Buch gehört den Kindern

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The dative case of the definite article 'die' (the) when used with plural nouns is 'den'. So, the sentence should read 'Das Buch gehört den Kindern', translating to 'The book belongs to the children' in English.
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Which word best completes the sentence to mean 'curious'?

Ich bin sehr neugierig auf das neue Buch.

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In this context, 'neugierig' is a German adjective that translates to 'curious' in English. It is used here in its basic form to describe a state or feeling, which does not change regardless of the subject's gender, number, or case. The other options 'neugieriges', 'neugierige', and 'neugiertig' do not fit grammatically in this sentence.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "sich freuen" to mean "to be happy about"?

Ich freue mich über mein Geburtstagsgeschenk

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The correct preposition to use with "sich freuen" to convey the meaning of "to be happy about" is "über", making the expression "sich freuen über". The sentence "Ich freue mich über mein Geburtstagsgeschenk" means "I am happy about my birthday gift.".
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Which coordinating conjunction fits best in this sentence?

Er spricht nicht nur Deutsch, sondern auch Französisch.

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The coordinating conjunction that is used to show a contrasting idea or correction is 'sondern', which means 'but/on the contrary'. 'Sondern' is used specifically after a negation to introduce an alternative or a contrasting statement, implying a correction or refinement of what was negated. It's similar to "but rather" or "but instead" in English.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "sprechen" to mean "to speak with"?

Er spricht mit seinem Vater

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The correct preposition to use with "sprechen" to convey the meaning of "to speak with" is "mit", making the expression "sprechen mit". The sentence "Er spricht mit seinem Vater" means "He is speaking with his father". The other prepositions are not suitable to express the act of speaking with someone.
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Which word best completes the sentence to mean 'little'?

Er hat nur wenig Geld in seiner Tasche.

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In this context, 'wenig' is used as a pronoun that means 'little' in English. The word 'wenig' does not change based on declination in this context. When used with countable objects in a negative context, 'wenig' typically indicates a smaller than expected quantity. The other options are grammatically incorrect declinations of 'wenig' and do not fit in this particular sentence.
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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the definite article "the" in the accusative case for a Masculine noun.

Ich esse den Apfel.

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In the given sentence, "Ich esse den Apfel," the word "Apfel" is a masculine noun. In German, "Apfel" is "der Apfel" in the nominative case. In the accusative case, for masculine nouns, the definite article changes from "der" to "den." Therefore, the correct sentence is "Ich esse den Apfel," which translates to "I eat the apple" in English. Remember that the nominative masculine definite article "der" changes to "den" in the accusative. This is crucial for constructing correct sentences in German. Keep practicing to familiarize yourself with these changes.
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