'Mutige' Definition
What is the meaning of the German word 'Mutige'?
The word 'Mutige' is a German word that can mean 'Brave' in English. You can find example sentences below to help you understand how to use the word in context.
Definition of 'Mutige' in English
Mutig - Brave
adjectiveThe adjective 'mutige' means 'brave' in German. It describes someone or something with courage and fearlessness.
Example Sentences:
- Titel: Der mutige Hund und der verschwundene Ball - Title: The brave dog and the missing ball
💡 Silly memory trick! 'Mutige' sounds like 'mighty,' which can help you remember that it means brave or courageous.
German Challenges
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the personal pronoun 'mein' in the genitive case.
Der Hund meines Nachbarn ist sehr freundlich
Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb 'fahren' to mean 'to drive to'?
Er fährt zu seiner Arbeit
Which auxiliary verb correctly completes the sentence to fit the context given?
Meine Schwester ist zum Supermarkt gegangen.
Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "liegen" in this sentence?
Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch
Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb 'hoffen' to mean 'to hope for'?
Er hofft auf einen Sieg
Which auxiliary verb correctly completes the sentence to fit the context given?
Ich bin nach Berlin gefahren.
Conjugate the modal verb "dürfen" to fit the sentence below
darf ich hier sitzen?
Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "gehen" to mean "to go to"?
Ich gehe morgen zum Arzt
Which word correctly indicates multiple entities?
Im Theater sehen sie einige seltsame Kreaturen auf der Bühne.
Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb 'sparen' to mean 'to save for'?
Ich spare für meine Reise