'Tief' Definition

What is the meaning of the German word 'Tief'?

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The word 'Tief' is a German word that can mean 'Deep' in English. You can find example sentences below to help you understand how to use the word in context.

Definition of 'Tief' in English

Tief - Deep


The adjective 'tief' means 'deep' in German. It is commonly used to describe the depth or extent of something, both literal and figurative.

💡 Silly memory trick! 'Tief' rhymes with 'leaf.' This association can help you remember that it means 'deep,' just like the depth of the layers of leaves on the forest floor.

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What is the correct form of the definite article "the" in the genitive case for a Neuter noun?

Wegen des Wetters bleiben wir zu Hause

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The phrase indicates possession, using the genitive case. The correct definite article for neuter nouns in the genitive case is "des." Hence, the sentence should be "Wegen des Wetters bleiben wir zu Hause," which means "Because of the weather, we are staying at home" in English.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "lernen" to mean "to learn from"?

Er hat aus seinen Fehlern gelernt

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The correct preposition to use with "lernen" to convey the meaning of "to learn from" is "aus", making the expression "lernen aus". The sentence "Er hat aus seinen Fehlern gelernt" means "He learned from his mistakes".
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Conjugate the modal verb "sollen" to fit the sentence

Du sollst deine Hausaufgaben machen.

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The correct form for 'sollen' in the second person singular is 'sollst'. The full sentence translates to "You should do your homework".
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Which adjective correctly describes the feminine noun in the nominative case?

Er fand eine alte, verfallene Hütte

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The adjective 'alte' is the correct word to use here because it is in the nominative case, feminine form. This adjective describes the noun 'Hütte', which is a feminine noun. 'Alt', the base form of the adjective, 'alten', the masculine or dative plural form, and 'altes', the neutral form, would all be incorrect in this context because they do not match the gender of the noun being described.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "hängen" in this sentence?

Die Schlüssel hängen am Kleiderhaken

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The correct preposition to use with "hängen" is "an", resulting in "hängen an". Therefore, "Die Schlüssel hängen am Kleiderhaken" means "The keys are hanging on the clothes hook". Note that "an dem" gets shortened to "am".
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Conjugate the modal verb "dürfen" to fit the sentence below.

Ihr dürft nicht rauchen.

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The correct form for 'dürfen' in the third person plural for a negative statement is 'dürfen'. The full translation is "You (plural) may not smoke".
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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the personal pronoun 'ich' in the dative case.

Sie hat mir den Schlüssel gegeben

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The dative case form of the personal pronoun 'ich' (I) is 'mir'. In the sentence "Sie hat mir den Schlüssel gegeben," 'mir' is used as the indirect object, receiving the action of the verb. Here, the verb 'geben' (to give) requires an indirect object to indicate to whom the key is given. 'Ich' changes to 'mir' in the dative case to reflect its role as the recipient of the action in the sentence.
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What is the correct form of the definite article "the" in the dative case for a Neuter noun.

Ich gebe dem Kind das Spielzeug.

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The sentence "Ich gebe _________ Kind das Spielzeug" uses the dative case to indicate that "Kind" is the indirect object of the verb "geben" (to give). The correct definite article for neuter nouns in the dative case is "dem," so the sentence reads "Ich gebe dem Kind das Spielzeug," translating to "I give the toy to the child" in English.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "fahren" to mean "to drive through"?

Er fährt durch die Stadt.

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The correct preposition to use with "fahren" to convey the meaning of 'to drive through' is 'durch'. Therefore, the sentence 'Er fährt durch die Stadt' translates to 'He drives through the city'. The use of 'durch' is required to convey the action of moving through a location in German.
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Conjugate the modal verb "mögen" to fit the sentence

Du magst Schokoladeneis.

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In German, the verb "mögen" (to like) in the second person singular (informal) form is "magst." Therefore, the correct translation of "You like chocolate ice cream" into German is "Du magst Schokoladeneis."
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