'Unebenen' Definition

What is the meaning of the German word 'Unebenen'?

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The word 'Unebenen' is a German word that can mean 'Uneven' in English. You can find example sentences below to help you understand how to use the word in context.

Definition of 'Unebenen' in English

Uneben - Uneven


The adjective 'unebenen' is used to describe something that is 'uneven' or not level, such as terrain. It indicates that the surface has variations or irregularities.

đź’ˇ Silly memory trick! To remember 'uneben,' think of it as an 'uneven' surface. Imagine walking on a bumpy road or uneven ground that makes you stumble or lose balance easily.

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German Challenges


Which auxiliary verb correctly completes the sentence to fit the context given?

Die Katze hat den ganzen Tag geschlafen.

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Although 'schlafen' is an intransitive verb, it uses 'haben' as the helping verb in the perfect tense because it does not indicate a change of state or location. The correct sentence is 'Die Katze hat den ganzen Tag geschlafen', which means 'The cat slept the whole day'. Understanding this distinction is important for accurately expressing actions in German. Note that this is different to 'einschlafen' which means 'to fall asleep'. This uses 'sein' because it indicates a change of state.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb 'fahren' to mean 'to drive to'?

Er fährt zu seiner Arbeit

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The correct preposition to use with 'fahren' to convey the meaning of 'to drive to' is 'zu', forming the phrase 'fahren zu'. The sentence 'Er fährt zu seiner Arbeit' translates to 'He is driving to his work.' The other prepositions are not used to express the concept of driving to a place. Fun Fact: 'Fahren zu' requires the dative case, as it typically involves a direction or destination – the place being driven to.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "schreiben" to mean "to write to"?

Sie schreibt einen Brief an ihren Freund.

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The correct preposition to use with "schreiben" to convey the meaning of "to write to" is "an", forming the phrase "schreiben an". The sentence "Sie schreibt einen Brief an ihren Freund" translates to "She is writing a letter to her friend." The other prepositions are not used to express the act of writing to someone.
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Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the personal pronoun 'ich' in the dative case.

Könntest du mir bitte das Salz reichen?

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The dative case form of the personal pronoun 'ich' (you) is 'mir'. In the sentence "Könntest du mir bitte das Salz reichen?" ('Could you please me pass the salt?'), 'mir' is used as the indirect object, receiving the action of the verb. Here, the verb 'reichen' (to pass) requires an indirect object to indicate to whom the salt is passed. 'Ich' changes to 'mir' in the dative case to reflect this role.
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Conjugate the modal verb "mögen" to fit the sentence

Du magst Schokoladeneis.

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In German, the verb "mögen" (to like) in the second person singular (informal) form is "magst." Therefore, the correct translation of "You like chocolate ice cream" into German is "Du magst Schokoladeneis."
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What is the correct form of the definite article "the" in the genitive case for the masculine noun "Lehrer" (teacher)?

Das ist das Buch des Lehrers.

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The correct definite article for masculine nouns in the genitive case is "des." Therefore, the sentence should be "Das ist das Buch des Lehrers," which translates to "That is the teacher's book" in English.
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Which word best completes the sentence to mean 'supplies'?

Es ist wichtig, genügend Vorräte für den langen Winter zu haben.

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In this context, 'Vorräte' is the plural form of the noun 'Vorrat', which means 'supplies' or 'provisions' in English. This noun is commonly used to refer to food, drink, or other necessary items for survival or specific purposes, and it often implies a state of preparedness or readiness for a future event or period of time. The other options are either singular ('Vorrat') or decline incorrectly in the plural ('Vorräten', 'Vorrätes') according to the rules of German grammar.
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Fill in the blank with the correct form of the definite article "the" in the accusative case for a Masculine noun.

Ich entdecke den Brief unter einem Stapel alter BĂĽcher.

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The word "Brief" is a masculine noun in German. In German grammar, "Brief" is "der Brief" in the nominative case. However, when a masculine noun is used in the accusative case, the definite article changes from "der" to "den." Therefore, in the sentence "Ich entdecke den Brief unter einem Stapel alter BĂĽcher," which translates to "I discover the letter under a pile of old books" in English, "den Brief" correctly uses the accusative case for the masculine noun "Brief."
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Which word correctly indicates multiple entities?

Im Theater sehen sie einige seltsame Kreaturen auf der BĂĽhne.

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'Kreaturen' is the correct plural form of the noun 'Kreatur', which means 'creature' in English. In the context of the sentence, the plural is needed to refer to multiple strange entities on the stage. The other options are incorrect; 'Kreatur' is singular and doesn't match the context of indicating multiple entities. 'KreatĂĽre' and 'Kreature' are simply not correct forms of the noun in German.
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What is the correct form of the definite article "the" in the dative case for a Feminine noun.

Ich helfe der Frau

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In German, the dative case form of the feminine article "die" is "der." For example, in the sentence "Ich helfe der Frau," which translates to "I help the woman" in English, the word "Frau" (woman) is in the dative case as the indirect object of the verb "helfen" (to help), so the article changes from "die" to "der."
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