'Vor' Definition

What is the meaning of the German word 'Vor'?

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The word 'Vor' is a German word that can mean various things in English, such as 'in front of' or 'before'. Below are a few of the different meanings of the word 'Vor', with examples sentences to help you understand how to use the word in context.

Definitions of 'Vor' in English

Vor - In front of


The preposition 'vor' in German is commonly used to indicate the location or position of something in front of an object or place.

Example Sentences:

  • Sie haben jetzt keine Angst mehr vor der Villa. - They are no longer afraid in front of the villa.

Vor - Before


The preposition 'vor' is commonly used in German to indicate the time or place before another event or action. It can be translated as 'before' in English, indicating a preceding event or preference.

Related Words

Vor Drang

German Challenges


Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "lernen" to mean "to learn from"?

Er hat aus seinen Fehlern gelernt

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The correct preposition to use with "lernen" to convey the meaning of "to learn from" is "aus", making the expression "lernen aus". The sentence "Er hat aus seinen Fehlern gelernt" means "He learned from his mistakes".
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Which word best completes the sentence to mean 'supplies'?

Es ist wichtig, genügend Vorräte für den langen Winter zu haben.

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In this context, 'Vorräte' is the plural form of the noun 'Vorrat', which means 'supplies' or 'provisions' in English. This noun is commonly used to refer to food, drink, or other necessary items for survival or specific purposes, and it often implies a state of preparedness or readiness for a future event or period of time. The other options are either singular ('Vorrat') or decline incorrectly in the plural ('Vorräten', 'Vorrätes') according to the rules of German grammar.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "warten" to mean "to wait for"?

Ich warte auf den Bus

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The correct preposition to use with "warten" to convey the meaning of "to wait for" is "auf", making the expression "warten auf". The sentence "Ich warte auf den Bus" means "I am waiting for the bus." The other prepositions cannot be used to express the act of waiting for something or someone.Did you know? Prepositions in German can change the case of the noun that follows them. In the case of "warten auf", the preposition "auf" requires the noun to be in the accusative case.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb 'achten' to mean 'to pay attention to'?

Wir achten auf die Details

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The correct preposition to use with 'achten' to convey the meaning of 'to pay attention to' is 'auf', forming the phrase 'achten auf'. The sentence 'Wir achten auf die Details' translates to 'We pay attention to the details.' The other prepositions cannot be used to express the concept of paying attention to something. Fun Fact: 'Achten auf' requires the accusative case.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "liegen" in this sentence?

Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch

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The correct preposition to use with "liegen" is "auf", making the expression "liegen auf". The sentence "Das Buch liegt auf dem Tisch" means "The book is on the table". Did you know? Prepositions in German can change the case of the noun that follows them. In the case of "liegen auf", the preposition "auf" requires the noun to be in the dative case.
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb 'laufen' to mean 'to run through'?

Er läuft durch den Park

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The correct preposition to use with 'laufen' to convey the meaning of 'to run through' is 'durch', forming the phrase 'laufen durch'. The sentence 'Er läuft durch den Park' translates to 'He is running through the park.' The other prepositions are not used to express the concept of running through a place. Fun Fact: 'Laufen durch' requires the accusative case, as it typically involves a direct object – the place being run through.
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Which word correctly indicates the thing being searched for?

Er macht sich auf die Suche nach Bienen.

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'Nach' is a preposition in German and in this context, it is used to express the thing being searched for, translating to 'for' in English. Other prepositions like 'im' (in), 'bei' (at) or 'von' (from) would not convey the correct meaning in this specific context.
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Conjugate the modal verb "mögen" to fit the sentence

Du magst Schokoladeneis.

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In German, the verb "mögen" (to like) in the second person singular (informal) form is "magst." Therefore, the correct translation of "You like chocolate ice cream" into German is "Du magst Schokoladeneis."
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Which preposition correctly pairs with the verb "hängen" in this sentence?

Die Schlüssel hängen am Kleiderhaken

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The correct preposition to use with "hängen" is "an", resulting in "hängen an". Therefore, "Die Schlüssel hängen am Kleiderhaken" means "The keys are hanging on the clothes hook". Note that "an dem" gets shortened to "am".
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Conjugate the modal verb "wollen" to fit the sentence.

Ihr wollt tanzen lernen

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The correct form for 'wollen' in the second person plural is 'wollt'. The full translation is "You (plural) want to learn to dance".
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